As the session has progressed I have had great success with the initial stages for each of my bills. When I create legislation, my top priority is the people of House District 55 and their needs which become the foundation of the bills I support. By focusing on bipartisan legislation we are able to advance these important issues further and with greater success. This year does pose a significant challenge as any legislation that has a fiscal note (expense) will not advance due to the $1 billion dollar budget deficit. This requires legislation that meets the needs of the community without adding an appropriation from the state.

Community Schoolyards Grant Program
HB25-1062 aims to transform underutilized schoolyards into vibrant community spaces. It allocates local government severance tax funds for planning, design, and construction grants. This bill passed the Education Committee unanimously and is on its way to the Appropriations Committee.
Free Access to State Parks for CO Ute Tribes
HB25-1163 proposes granting free access to state parks for enrolled members of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, exempting them from entrance fees. This bill is currently under review in the Appropriations Committee, it passed the House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee unanimously.
Local Gov Tax Audit Confidentiality Standards
SB25-049 establishes uniform confidentiality standards to protect taxpayer information during sales and use tax audits conducted by third-party auditors on behalf of local taxing jurisdictions. This bill came out of the summer interim Sales and Use Simplification Task Force Committee and passed unanimously in the Finance Committee and is on its second reading on the house floor.

Outside of the Legislature...
Recently I had the privilege of spending time with the City of Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce. Being able to hear directly from businesses and constituents is one of the most important aspects of my position.